Our services.

Warwick Behrns has an extensive wealth of knowledge about equine dentistry and can answer

Warwick performs routine treatments on horses, using both hand and power tools. The majority of horses Warwick works on are not sedated, however some work requires a veterinarian to sedate horses and Warwick works with a number of vets to perform these procedures.

Warwick Behrns Equine Dentistry covers the North Island from Wellington to Kerikeri including Taranaki, Hawkes Bay, Gisborne and Taupo.

Warwick works on groups of horses, either at clients properties or at one of the below mentioned clinics. The minimum booking number is 4 horses and the maximum number of horses for a day is 10.

You can make a booking to treat your horses teeth at one of the following clinics by using the automated booking form on this website.

  • Dairy Flat Vet Clinic

  • Vets North, Kumeu

  • Abderry Farm, Glenbrook *$12 yard fee is applicable.

  • Whangarei RDA


Our rates.

Warwick Behrns Equine Dentistry current rates:

All prices include GST and are per horse.

  • Waikato, Auckland, Northland, Taupo & Gisborne $180

  • Taranaki, Hawkes Bay, Manawatu Wairarapa & Wellington $160

(Prices current as of 1st April 2024).

Payments can be made by cash or internet banking on the day using the bank account details on the bottom of the treatment chart provided. If an invoice is required it will be emailed. Invoices can be paid in one payment by internet banking or by regular payments, however time payments must be cleared through the office prior to the appointment. An admin fee will be charged for overdue accounts not showing regular payments on the account.

Bookings for all venues are made through the Warwick Behrns Equine Dentistry NZ office.